Town Board Open Position(s): Supervisor No. 2 Larry Kulik has filed his Notification of Noncandidacy. There will be no incombent for this seat. In the Town of Geneva, Board positions are considered “at large” so any Town of Geneva resident that declares the Town of Geneva as their primary residence can run for this position or any of the other Town positions on the April  1, 2025 ballot for the Spring Election. Town of Geneva positions appearing on the ballot for the Spring Election are: Chairperson Supervisor No. 1 Supervisor No. 2 Municipal Court Judge Forms are available on our website, or stop in to the Clerk’s office to pick up a packet of information. Forms must be completed and returned by 5:00 pm on January 7, 2025. The position of Municipal Judge also has an additional form to be filed with the State.

Town Board

The Town of Geneva Board consists of a Chairman and four Supervisors elected at large for two year terms. Elections for the Chairman and Supervisor 1 and 2 positions are held on the odd numbered years and the Supervisor 3 and 4 positions are elected on the even numbered years.

The Town of Geneva Board consists of:



Work Phone: (262) 740-9175
Home Phone: (262) 248-9610

Supervisor #1


Home Phone: (262) 249-9845

Supervisor #3


Cell Phone: (815) 341-5905

Supervisor #2


Cell Phone: (262) 203-0010

Supervisor #4


Cell Phone: (262) 949-6275



Work Phone: (262) 248-8497
Fax (262) 249-8873

Planning Commission

The Town of Geneva Planning Commission serves our residents as an advisory body to the Town Board. The Town Planning Commission contains seven members being Chaired by Joseph F. Kopecky and additionally composed of citizen members Jim Anton, Gary Cocroft, Pauline Malsch, Vice-Chair Phyllis Olson, Jim Thometz and Dave Van Lue.

The Planning Commission hears matters of lot division, property rezone, conditional use and variance, property condemnation, tree removal, et cetera at its regularly scheduled monthly meeting. Typically a sign is then posted on the property involved to notify the public that an issue is being considered regarding a change in use relative to the posted property. The Commission then holds a public hearing on the request at the next regularly scheduled monthly meeting and entertains motions and votes on a recommendation relative to the request which is then forwarded to the Town Board for action. The Town Board would then consider the Planning Commission recommendation on the request at the next regularly scheduled Town Board meeting and votes on their own motion relative to the request which would then typically be forwarded to either the County Zoning Agency or one of the two Extra-Territorial Zoning Boards for further action as appropriate.

Applicants must appear in person before the Town Planning Commission and Town Board with their request. Please contact Planning Commission Secretary, Mary Van Lue (262) 248-9513, at least two weeks prior to the Planning Commission Monthly Meeting to be included on the Agenda for discussion.

Professional Building Inspections

Building Inspector


Geneva Town Hall
N3496 Como Rd.
Lake Geneva, WI 53147

Phone: (262) 215-3711
Fax: (262) 249-8873

Office Hours:  Mondays ONLY
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Police Department

Chief of Police


Work Phone: (262) 248-9926
After Hours: (262) 723-3700

Municipal Court

Municipal Judge


Work Phone: (262) 248-3885
Fax: (262) 249-8601

Municipal Court Clerk


Work Phone: (262) 248-3885
Fax: (262) 249-8601