Town Board Open Position(s): Supervisor No. 2 Larry Kulik has filed his Notification of Noncandidacy. There will be no incombent for this seat. In the Town of Geneva, Board positions are considered “at large” so any Town of Geneva resident that declares the Town of Geneva as their primary residence can run for this position or any of the other Town positions on the April  1, 2025 ballot for the Spring Election. Town of Geneva positions appearing on the ballot for the Spring Election are: Chairperson Supervisor No. 1 Supervisor No. 2 Municipal Court Judge Forms are available on our website, or stop in to the Clerk’s office to pick up a packet of information. Forms must be completed and returned by 5:00 pm on January 7, 2025. The position of Municipal Judge also has an additional form to be filed with the State.

Committee/Commission Appointments

Committee/Commission Appointments

The Town of Geneva is seeking applications from interested residents for appointment to various committees/commissions. These include the Plan Commission, Police Commission, Park Commission, Lake Committee, Election Inspectors, and the Lake Como Sanitary District Board (must reside within the sanitary district).

Application is available on our website under Forms & Permits or from the Town Clerk, N3496 Como Road.